Sunday, April 23, 2017

Professional Development

It is crazy to think that just two years ago the only jobs I had on my resume were sandwich artist at subway and pest control technician. In the start of my junior year I was starting to become terrified of what I was going to do with my life. Many of my friends have already started internships at this point in their lives and it made me feel like I was far behind in where I should be. Its amazing to think that after just two years I have a job in the industry I am passionate about and it will turn into my full time position once I graduate in less then a month. I now look at my friends who are stressing about what they will do after graduation and I am just glad I have this figured out.

The road to get here was a lot of work but it seemed easier then it looks. I applied to about 25-30 places and got about 20 interviews my junior year and got only 2 offers. One offer was from a company I did not ethically want to work for because it was a lot of cold calling and another from a local company I have never heard of before but seemed nice in my interview. I ended up taking this position and quickly became an important contributor to this smaller operation. After the summer there and the fall semester of my senior year I found out about a job position in a hospital and I took a risk of leaving my current job and went for it. I got luckily and got it because my previous job had made me very qualified for.

This shows how quickly you can get into the career you want if you just put in the effort. I want people reading this to know that if you are stressing about your future its important to turn that stress into motivation to succeed. I personally was somewhat scared that I would not ever get an internship while in school and that I would be terrified to graduate with out a plan, but it is possible to quickly change this.


  1. I definitely agree with you, the only two jobs I have on my resume really have no relation to healthcare management. However through my hardwork, good grades, and good interview skills, I was able to get an internship at Mass Eye and Ear for this upcoming summer. This is a great opportunity for me and hope it will lead to full time employment after I graduate next spring.

  2. 20 interviews? Holy cow. That's more than I've had in my whole life - mostly because I just got my first grown up job a couple of years ago. Done a lot of hiring over my career, though.

    My daughter, who is a junior, just found out this morning she got an internship, so I know this feeling vicariously.

    I'm really happy for you that you are going into such a great organization. I'll look forward to keeping in touch.
