Sunday, March 5, 2017

Staying with one company

I recently read an article which I have posted at the end of this post, but it got me thinking quite a bit about what my career path will look like. I have been taught my whole life to work hard and do your best and you will be able to advance within a company. This has been my mind set most of my life and I somewhat hoped that I would be able to grow within an organization. The article brought up many great points about how it could be easier to advance pay by leaving for a new company, The downside to this method is that it becomes increasingly hard to find new jobs because it comes across as someone who won't stay and is likely to leave. The article also shines light on staying with a company how you tend to plateau around the age of 45 in pay and position. They also talk about how staying with a company your whole life limits your experience and also could hurt your overall skills. I believe being at a job for to long is good as long as you are advancing and not staying in the same place.  Personally I just got a job at a hospital and as long as they are willing to bring me on full time I would love to be able to stay there and work my way through the ranks. Many people in my hospital have been leaving for new positions and many people have also risen to higher positions relatively quickly. My ideal plan would be to try to stay there for 4-5 years and if I do not have any advancement of either compensation or position I think I will start looking for around at other places. I know that this sounds a little unreasonable but I do not want to be an analyst my whole life, I really want the opportunity to work my way up to a management position so I am able to lead and guide people below me. For now I am, taking it a step at a time but I think staying in one place is not a bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting article. It seems to me the author was muddling employer and job a bit. Most of the executives I have interviewed changed organizations several times in their career, easily pushing the 4 employers in 10 years maximum mentioned. But some stayed 5-10 years at individual employers, though usually moving up in jobs while at their employer.

    I think your current employer will offer you four to five years of opportunity - with multiple jobs. You aren't going into a stagnant environment.

    The thing I personally think is important, and the article mentions it, is networking. I hope you join ACHE or HFMA and start building a professional network for yourself.
