Monday, March 27, 2017

First Evaluation

As I spoke about last week I had my first Evaluation at my job at Wentworth Douglass last Friday. Being my first evaluation I was a little nervous going into it but I knew there was not a lot at stake since I am still new and only working part time while I am there. For this evaluation The day of I was told that I needed three to five goals to bring with me to this meeting and these goals will eventually be looked at to see whether I have met them which will dictate a pay increase at the time of my next evaluation. This Evaluation was an introductory one so it did not emulate any specific type of evaluation that the specific group had spoken about in class. The closest type this related to was critical incidence which uses specific points in times as examples on what is going well and what could be improved upon. For the most part everything was very positive and the things that management wanted me to improve upon were explained in a way that was not confrontational but also got the point across. This is something that was talked about how the areas of improvement should have detail behind why they need to be improved but put in a way that does not cause the employee to feel attacked. My manager said at my next evaluation which is going to be the more important one, I will be evaluated by a numerical scale being 1-5. I found this interesting since this was described the same way professor Bonica had us do evaluations last semester for our group members. Usually 3 is expected work to be done and anything higher means we have gone above what we were supposed to do, and if you give a 1,2, or 5 there will have to be an explanation why those were the way they were. So far this job has been challenging to juggle while being a full time student and also an academic mentor but I have enjoyed it so far and look forward to hearing any feedback to what I can do to improve my work.

1 comment:

  1. See - there is a method to my madness :)

    Glad to hear you had a good experience with your manager with your first evaluation. You will do well.
