Sunday, May 7, 2017

Finding Your Passion Outside of Work

In many of my Business Management classes there is always talk about finding a career that you are passionate about and one that relates to your purpose in life. I understand that this will make your work-life balance much easier but at the same time I think this can cause you neglect things externally from work if you do truly love what you do. I personally have always looked at a job as a way to get money which then allows me to do the things I love with the people in my life that mean the most to me. This is most likely a very biased response based of where I am in my life being a senior in collage but I do not see this view changing anytime soon. I personally don't think your job should be your purpose or passion because then it becomes your whole life and the last thing I would want is for my job to takeover the things I really do enjoy. I ideally want to work in the healthcare industry because I enjoy the thought of helping others even though I am not on the clinical side of the operations. I also want to be in management for this same reasons to help people below me, and to also lead others to a common goal. This sounds like something I would enjoy but by no means is this a passion or my purpose. I believe my purpose in life comes externally to a job, and is more family and relationship oriented. This is why i think life is more important to find things outside of work that truly let you enjoy your life. For me I have always been competitive and loved sports and I plan on playing sports until I physically can not. Specifically Ultimate Frisbee has a community which is a ton of fun and I have played against people in their 60's. Frisbee it self is not my passion but just being competitive with a team while also having fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kyle,

    I appreciate this perspective! I agree that it's easy to let your work become your whole life if it's something that you really enjoy. I personally think that this won't necessarily happen if you love your job in the same way that your hobbies won't take over your life if you really love them. You have to strike a balance. I think that work still has the potential to take over your life whether you enjoy it or not. That's why I would rather do something that I'm really interested in instead of a job that I dislike. I feel very privileged to be able to make that decision in my life. I totally respect your outlook on work and life! It's a viable option that will hopefully bring you a lot of happiness. Best of luck after graduation!
