Saturday, February 25, 2017


The class yesterday focused on personal identity and asked a lot of pressing questions about this. One of those questions asked was whether or not you can change your identity. There is no straight forward way to answer this question. Identity is made up of many different aspects and my personal opinion is that you can change some aspects of these for different occasions, but you are always going to have a true identity. Personally I change my personality all the time for different social situations. When ever I am class I tend to stay quite  and just do the work. There are many different reasons for this. Sometimes its because I like to genuinely think of a good response before I say anything out loud and it will be to late to answer a question, or other times there just is not a whole lot that motivates me to share an opinion with a class. When it comes to my professional life at my work its much easier to be out spoken. By no means am I an extrovert at work but there is a lot more motivating me to share my opinions and be out spoken. This being said I tone down my identity in classes and when there is something of importance I may act extremely different. I also like how they tied in our motives to our identity and how big a role this is in our life. This was a little eye opening how the most important things have changed so drastically in my life. Even just from high school to now I used to be focused on making friends and fitting in but now I am at a point in my life where all I want is to be successful. I would say the motives behind it are pretty similar though for my self how they both in a way are trying to be likable and have a good image to the public. Overall I enjoyed this presentation and was a little more eye opening then the others they way it involved us.

1 comment:

  1. I thought they did a really good job with the interactive activities. They were very effective at getting engagement.

    I agree with you that there are parts of identity that are malleable. I was pushing back against the idea that all of our identity is a matter of choice. I don't agree with that. There are things that are beyond our control. How we deal with them, however, is within our control. As you said, sometimes you make a choice based on the incentives you face.
